The Simple Open Street Map Extension for Yii is a fast and comftable was to show multiple markers and a Open Street Map.
- automatic Zoom Factors, might be adjusted a little bit for street map zooms
- Html Marker Text with Links etc.
- Open Street Map License *free*
- easy to use
Objects/ActiveRecords with the following property must be set for the points/cities to be displayed:
<?php $object->latitude; $object->longitude; //And a class function like "getAllAttributes" class object public function getAllAttributes(){ $attr = $this->attributes; //Yii magic function to get all class attributes $attr["markerHtml"] = "hello"; return $attr; }
and passed to the extension like:
<?php $this->widget("ext.OpenLayers.OpenLayers", array("cities" => $objectsArray))
The result can be view here: Demo
You can Download the extension here.
Unzip the Files in protected/extensions/ and use like shown above