Eine Klasse zum Speichern von 4×4 Matrizen z.B: für Kinect Anwendungen. Die Klasse hat eine Kontrolle der gespeicherten Daten, für den Fall, dass etwas schief geht beim Speichern.
#ifndef _MOTION_RECORDER #define _MOTION_RECORDER #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <gmtl/Matrix.h> #include <string> using namespace gmtl; using namespace std; class MotionRecorder { public: vector<Matrix44f> load(void); void record(vector<Matrix44f>); string fileNameStr; bool recordSession; bool loadSession; int motionDataArraySize; bool recordFileEOF; MotionRecorder(string); ~MotionRecorder(void); ofstream os; ifstream in; private: void writeAllMotionData(vector<Matrix44f>) ; void writeSingleMatrix(gmtl::Matrix44f *motionMatrix, int index); vector<Matrix44f> readAllMotionData(); Matrix44f readSingleMatrix(int index); void createEmptyFile(string); bool jumpToRightMatrix(int index); void skipLines(int lines); }; #endif
#include "MotionRecorder.h" MotionRecorder::MotionRecorder(string fileNameVar) { this->fileNameStr = fileNameVar; this->recordSession = false; this->loadSession = true; this->recordFileEOF = false; this->motionDataArraySize = 19; } MotionRecorder::~MotionRecorder(void) { recordSession = true; } void MotionRecorder::record(vector<Matrix44f> frame) { if(!os.is_open()) { os.open(this->fileNameStr, ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app); cout << "RECORDING" << endl << "first run"<< endl; createEmptyFile(this->fileNameStr); cout << "empty file created"<< endl; } if(!os) { cerr << "Fehler beim Öffnen der Recorder Datei: " << this->fileNameStr << endl; } else { writeAllMotionData(frame); } //os.close(); } vector<Matrix44f> MotionRecorder::load(void) { if(!in.is_open()) { in.open(this->fileNameStr, ios::in|ios::binary|ios::beg); cout << "LOADING" << endl << "first run open"<< endl; } if(!this->recordFileEOF) { if(!in.is_open()) { cerr << "Fehler beim Öffnen der Recorder Datei: " << this->fileNameStr << endl; } else { return readAllMotionData(); } } else { cout << "Loading from File stopped: Reached the end of recording" <<endl; //stream position auf anfang setzen, um erneute wiedergabe zu ermöglichen in.close(); this->recordFileEOF = false; //leerer vektor-> prüfen auf empty möglich return vector<Matrix44f>(); } } void MotionRecorder::createEmptyFile(string filename) { fstream f; f.open(filename, ios::out); f.close(); } void MotionRecorder::writeAllMotionData(vector<Matrix44f> frame) { for(int i = 0; i < frame.size(); i++) { writeSingleMatrix(&frame[i], i); } } void MotionRecorder::writeSingleMatrix(gmtl::Matrix44f *motionMatrix, int index) { float fVal = 0; os.write((char*)&index, sizeof (int)); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { fVal = (*motionMatrix)[i][j]; if(fVal != 0 && fVal != 1) { //cout << "it works" << endl; } if(!os.write((char*)&fVal, sizeof (float))) { cerr << "Fehler beim Schreiben der Recorder Datei!" <<endl; } else { cout << fVal; } } } os << '\n'; cout << endl; } vector<Matrix44f> MotionRecorder::readAllMotionData() { vector<Matrix44f> returnValue; returnValue.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < motionDataArraySize; i++) { returnValue.push_back(readSingleMatrix(i)); } return returnValue; } Matrix44f MotionRecorder::readSingleMatrix(int index) { Matrix44f returnValue; //cout << "read matrix: " << index << endl; if(this->jumpToRightMatrix(index)) { float fVal = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(!in.read((char*)&fVal, sizeof (float))) { cerr << "Fehler beim Lesen der aufgenommenen Daten!" <<endl; in.clear(); i = 4; j = 4; } else { returnValue[i][j] = fVal; cout << fVal << " "; } if(fVal != 0 && fVal != 1) { //cout << "it works" << endl; } } } cout << endl; skipLines(1); } return returnValue; } bool MotionRecorder::jumpToRightMatrix(int index) { //cout << "recordFileEOF: " << this->recordFileEOF << endl; int checkIndex = -1; bool rightMatrixFound = false; while(!rightMatrixFound && !this->recordFileEOF) { in.read((char*)&checkIndex, sizeof (int)); if(checkIndex != index) { cout << "found wrong matrix index: " << checkIndex << " expected: " << index << endl; if(in.eof()) { cout << "EOF!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl; in.clear(); this->recordFileEOF = true; } //jump to right line if(checkIndex <= motionDataArraySize) { int lines = motionDataArraySize - checkIndex + index; if(lines >= motionDataArraySize) { lines -= motionDataArraySize; } skipLines(lines); } else { skipLines(1); } } else { rightMatrixFound = true; } //cout << "searching matrix..."; } if(rightMatrixFound) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } void MotionRecorder::skipLines( int lines) { char next; for(int i = 0; i < lines; i++) { while(in.get(next)) { if (next == '\n') { break; } } } }